Blogs > Delco at the Democratic Convention

Jean Davidson is a retired optician/lecturer currently living in Ridley Twp. She has been politically active in Democratic Party campaigns since 2006. She is currently an elected committee member, Chair of the Ridley Twp. Democratic Party and Secretary of the Delaware County Democrats. She is one of the five delegates elected from the 7th Congressional District. This is her first time attending a national nominating convention.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Last Word

Some thoughts about the past 5 days….For me this convention was not about the speeches, although many of them were outstanding. It was about the overall experience and the people involved. It was about the crazy hats, the competition to see who could wear the most buttons, the seniors, some in their 90's and the children. It was about the personal stories of courage and inspiration, like Gabby Giffords on stage and the many persons with disabilities that found a way to participate in all of the activities. I made so many new friends, dedicated delegates from all over the country.
I learned some valuable lessons. Always expect the unexpected. Things like protestors blocking the roads so the busses could not transport the delegates to and from hotels and events. I learned I could exist on 3 days of burnt, fried and expensive food at the arena. I found I could survive on 4 hours sleep a night for 5 days and still walk 8 blocks or so each day. I mainly discovered I am technically handicapped, being of the generation who still use pencil and paper for communication. I will never again text without my glasses and my arthritic hands may never recover. I am also my own worst proof reader.
I'll leave the analysis and rhetoric to the politicians. I can only report was this was one of the best experiences of my life. Cross this one off the bucket list.
Now that I am home, I am ready to work hard for the next 60+ days to re-elect the finest President I can remember (that is a long time). But I also know the importance of electing George Badey, candidate for Congress representing the7th district, because without the support of dedicated Congressional members who are willing to fight for middle class rights like healthcare and social security, Barack Obama cannot complete the job we will re-elect him to do. We do not want voucher care. We know Obamacares. Please volunteer at the Media Obama for America office at 340 Baltimore Ave. Media and please support all of our outstanding Democratic candidates this November 7.
I thank all of the Democratic voters in the 7th Congressional District for giving me this opportunity to represent you in Charlotte and the Delco Times for allowing me to share this with you.


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